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Accessibility is a Social Movement.

The Centre for Accessibility Australia (CFA Australia) is an award-winning not-for-profit organisation that promotes accessibility throughout Australia. Our current focus is the incorporation of digital accessibility, so that people with disability can have equal access to technology and the internet. Founded in 2018, the Centre was established to promote the accessibility movement through advocacy, research, training services, auditing services and celebrations such as the Australian Access Awards.

What Does the CFA Australia Do?

The digital world is a rapidly changing environment that all of us increasingly rely upon. The reality is, for people living with disability, much of the internet remains inaccessible (despite the legal policies put in place to facilitate accessibility). To create a more inclusive world, the CFA Australia aims to reduce the accessibility gap through positive reinforcement and by highlighting the importance of equal access by sharing success stories.

Accessibility isn’t just about compliance. For myself being legally blind, accessibility is the difference between independently achieving my goals or struggling and relying heavily on others.



To Empower the Accessibility Movement by Advocating the Implementation of Universal Equal Access.


An Inclusive World Without Accessibility Barriers to Content or Spaces.

The internet is an essential service, and there is a fundamental right to have access to information and content.

CFA Australia supports people with disability both directly, through the production of resources and a helpdesk, and indirectly by supporting mainstream organisations such as government agencies, corporates or education providers to become accessible.

For Content Creators/Organisations

  • Training to implement accessibility.
  • Website auditing services to access and improve their accessibility.
  • Develop free, highly accessible online resources to promote and respond to digital access.

For People with Disability

  • Create free online resources for people with disability on how to use Assistive Technology (AT). 
    • This includes how-to guides for AT, product advice about AT, and a free helpdesk that provides information and assistance about AT for people with disability.

For Both

  • Advocate the equal access movement via our accessibility campaign to empower and encourage digital content developers to implement accessibility when designing online resources.
  • Celebrate accessibility success stories through the bi-annual Australian Access Awards.