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Businesses should provide better digital access: Forbes

Forbes magazine recently published an article online, written by Andrew Pulrung called, 4 Reasons Why Businesses Should Care About Disability.  The article focuses on the frustration people with a disability have accessing businesses both online…

Web and Document Accessibility Workshop: Tickets Available

This one-day online workshop will be delivered by Dr Scott Hollier (Centre for Accessibility Australia), and Vithya Vijayakumare (VisAbility).  It will include the following topics:

How People with Disability Engage with Content – Includes a…

Video Accessibility

This policy informs organisations about the relevance and importance of the video accessibility legislation for people with disability. Video accessibility implementation revolves around captions and audio descriptions. Captions are text versions of speech and…

Australian Access Awards 2021: Opening the call for nominations and introducing our partner Infosys

The Australian Access Awards are a celebration of organisations and individuals that have made their websites and apps accessible. This Thursday, on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we launch our 2021 Call for Nominations, inviting all Australians to submit a free nomination to let us know who is doing great work in this space.

Hall of Fame

Accessibility Hall of Fame
The Accessibility Hall of Fame recognises individuals who have made significant contributions to the promotion and adoption of digital access within their working environment and community.

The nomination process encourages people…

Audits for Primary and Secondary Schools EOIs

Free Audits for Primary and Secondary Schools EOIs

Are you part of a Western Australian School passionate about accessibility and inclusion? If so, we are excited to invite you to partner with us in a…