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3 October 2024
Join Dr. Scott Hollier and Bryan Benjamin online as they delve into the findings of the Cancellation for All Telco Report, supported by ACCAN.

‘Cancellations for All’ Project

The ‘Cancellations for All’ project was launched to support people with disability, their families, and carers over accessibility issues in the telecommunications sector regarding the cancellation of mobile services. Through a grants program funded by ACCAN, CFA Australia were able to facilitate research and analysis on which accessibility issues were prevalent when cancelling a prepaid mobile service, along with the associated support options that were available and how these issues could be addressed.

The report is available as a free reference on the CFA Australia website.

Workshop Highlights

  • How consumers with disability engage with SIM providers: an opportunity to interact with content in a similar way to a blind user.
  • Understand the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standard for inclusive digital content.
  • Cancellations for All Findings: Discover how 44 SIM providers fare in supporting consumers with disability, and practical steps for improvement.
  • Explore additional accessibility issues identified, including:
    – Identification check difficulties
    – Pre-SIM activation challenges
    – Address form field complexities