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31 July 2024

Image is of two hands hovering over a disability symbol.

The Western Australian (WA) Government has released its response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of people with disability.

The WA Government has accepted, accepted in principle, or accepted in part 100 of the 132 recommendations applicable to Western Australia.

The remaining 32 recommendations are under further consideration, with the WA Government awaiting responses from the Australian Government and outcomes from ongoing inquiries.

The WA Government has committed to providing an updated position on these recommendations by mid-2025.

The WA Government acknowledges the complexity and sensitivity of the matters raised by the Disability Royal Commission. As such, it has pledged to take a considered approach to reform, engaging with people with disability, their families and carers, and the broader community.

The WA Government, as part of its response to the Disability Royal Commission, is committed to ensuring digital inclusion for all Western Australians. It recognises that digital inclusion is essential for equal access to information, services, and opportunities. Through its Digital Inclusion in WA Blueprint, the Government is working to address digital disadvantage and ensure that its digital services and platforms are accessible, affordable, and usable for people with disability. In partnership with Centre for Accessibility Australia (CFA Australia), it is auditing and improving its digital services, including the migration of 98 websites to the accessible platform, to ensure that all Western Australians can easily access and use digital technologies.

CFA Australia is proud to have been a part of this process.

We encourage everyone to read the full response on the WA Disability Royal Commission website and share this important news with their networks. Easy Read and Plain Language are also available.